
fun setTabCompletions(vararg args: String): CommandTrigger

Sets the tab completion options for the command. This method must be used before setting the command name, otherwise, the tab completions will not be set.



all the tab completion options.

fun setTabCompletions(callback: (Array<out String>) -> MutableList<String>): CommandTrigger

This sets the possible tab completions for the command. This method must be used before setting the command name, otherwise, the tab completions will not be set.



the callback that returns the tab completion options.

For example:

register("command", () => {

}).setTabCompletions((args) => {
return ["option1", "option2"];

The args parameter of the callback are the arguments currently passed to the command. For instance, if you want to not show the options after the user tabs the first time, just add a check for the length of the arguments and return an empty array.

The return value of the callback must be an array of strings, and in this case will always return the 2 options in the array.